We bought our first sheep, Hebrideans and Soay/Valais, during lockdown 2020. They have been brilliant for training our sheepdog Rosie. We recently bought the Castle Camber flock of South Downs which are a breed known to be
excellent in vineyards and orchards. We also have chickens, bees, and a rubbish fruit and veg plot.
The woods are largely a mix of hornbeam, hawthorn, and oak, marked by the crater-like shapes of Roman iron ore workings. The land is full of history from the Romans, 1066, Middle Ages and up to the Spitfire cannon shells found in the woods.
The spring sees blankets of woodland anemones, orchids and bluebells and large numbers of migratory birds.
Coming soon!
We hope to add a list of all the flora and fauna we have found so far.